Welcome to our new web. First and foremost, we must tell you that we are very excited about this change of scenery and we would love to share it with all of you who make it possible.
Everyone visiting www.olivardelaluna.es from now on, will find a very different web from the one we had before.
We have renewed a lot of things. Its design is completely different. Now, there are new navigation tools and a section for audiovisual material. Nowadays, the media are essential to provide interested people with a faster information and a more fluent communication.
Why we make this change?
Because a new generation has arrived to “Olivar de la Luna” with a more dynamic and actual way of working based on the use of new technologies.
What is the aim of this change?
To remain presents working for a future as the ecological family business that we are.
To inform as far as possible about who we are, how we work and how our product is.
To know the opinions, doubts and wishes of the people interested in our product.
To bring close our product to all consumers valuing ecological diet. To bring it close, as well, to shops and other companies working so hard for offering high quality food.
We must face our future open-minded and keep walking professionally at the same time we keep all the respectful and quality values that have characterized us since the very beginning.